WXYZ DETROIT — On Sunday, May 8, Spotlight on the News will focus on Mental Health Awareness Month. What's being done in Michigan to increase the number of sorely needed behavioral health professionals? Eric Doeh, CEO of the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network, and Dr. Sheryl Kubiak, Dean of the Wayne State University School of Social Work, will tell us.
We'll also talk about a new WXYZ-TV policy that allows for removal requests of some Action News stories that could lead to people getting a second chance in our society. Jeff Kiernan, News Director for TV-7/20 will explain the process.
Spotlight on the News, now in its 57th season, is Michigan's longest-running weekly news and public affairs television program. It airs every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. on WXYZ-TV/Channel 7 in Detroit, is streamed live on wxyz.com and broadcast at 11:30 a.m. on 23.1 WKAR-HD in East Lansing.